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So far Montgomery Animal Hospital has created 36 blog entries.

Are cicadas dangerous for pets?

photo credit Renee Grayson The 17 year cicadas are emerging in Cincinnati any day now – so what do pet owners need to know? Brood X last emerged in 2004, and is due to emerge in the coming weeks after heavy rain once the soil temperature warms up. There can be over a million adult cicadas per acre in certain areas. The adults will emerge from the ground with one goal: to reproduce. They will shed their skin, leaving them hanging b […]

What to feed your pet rabbit

photo credit erin www.flickr.com Did spring bring a brand-new bunny? Or are you a long-time rabbit owner looking to optimize your rabbit’s diet? Here’s what you need to know to keep your friend healthy through food.  Hay, hay, and more hay.I can’t say it enough – your rabbit needs mountains of hay. Hay contains all the nutrients your rabbit needs to thrive. Rabbit teeth grow continuously, and hay is one of the best ways to gr […]

3 steps to treat allergies in pets

Spring brings warm weather, flowers, and allergies, and it’s not just us humans who can be affected. Dogs and cats can have allergies to pollen, grasses, trees, food ingredients, and even to pet dander. So what can we do to help? ​ Allergy Symptoms:licking pawsscratching at armpitsscooting rear on the grounditchy facered itchy earsfrequent ear infectionshair losswatery eyesredness around the eyessneezing with clear spraycoughing (usually dry, not producti […]

Can pets catch Covid?

Photo credit: Big Ben in Japan www.flickr.com We’re almost a year into a global pandemic and starting to find out a few answers about this ever-changing virus. Here’s what pet owners should know about Covid-19.1. Yes. Dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, and hamsters can catch Covid-19. Several research studies of pets in homes where a family member has had Covid-19 have confirmed that pets can catch Covid-19 from their humans. Most […]

How much should I feed my dog?

We love our dogs and want to do what’s best for them. But when those big brown eyes come begging, can we splurge for them? Here’s a rough guide to how much to feed your dog, and how to tell if your dog is underweight, overweight, or just right. First, make sure to start with the right food.Every bag or can of food has an AAFCO statement in tiny print under the ingredient list that says who the food is designed to feed and how the recipe was analyzed. Start here.1: How old is your pup […]

Are poinsettias really poisonous to pets?

Poinsettias are widely believed to be poisonous to cats and dogs, but thankfully for all of us holiday decorators their toxicity is actually quite mild. Poinsettia sap can irritate the tissues of the mouth and stomach, but they will not cause any organ damage. What will you see:If your pet chews on the poinsettia, they may experience drooling, mild ulcers in the mouth, or an upset stomach with some mild vomiting.What to do:If […]

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